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At Beaulieu School we believe that a quality English curriculum should develop children’s love of reading, writing and discussion. Our intent is to inspire our children through a literature rich curriculum, that aims to develop a love of literacy that extends beyond school. We aim to teach all students how to read and comprehend written text so that they may become independent readers and lifelong learners with a firm grasp of the written world that surrounds them. Our intention is to encourage our children to read like a writer and write like a reader. We aim to enable them to understand the audience and purpose for their writing and have an in-depth understanding of written and spoken language, the writing process and how author’s choices can impact the writer. We intend our curriculum to empower our children, by giving them the tools they need to communicate and participate fully in society.


Overview Year R and Year 1

Intent, Implementation and Impact

EYFS Reading Skills

Year 1 Reading Skills

Year 2 Reading Skills

Year 3 Reading Skills

Year 4 Reading Skills

Year 5 Reading Skills

Year 6 Reading Skills


Intent, Implementation and Impact